As per 1st January 2025 this apartment will be available. You will rent the flat in a nice, clean, spacious 1-bedroom apartment in the centre of Rotterdam (close to Meent). The living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet and spacious balcony is an ideal location for an expat couple or two friends willing to share an apartment since the living room can be turned into a proper studio . Walking distance to Rotterdam Central Station, and Hofplein. The shopping mall, Stadhuisplein, Blaak, Martkhal, restaurants, clubs etc. are also all on walking distance. The price is based on single occupancy. Double Occupancy negotiable cost is 2495 per month. All apartments are fully furnished and vary in sizes. The total size of this apartment is 65m2 and also completely furnished. Bathroom, kitchen, toilet and dining/living room. Rent is excl. some bills. Registration is possible. Similar apartments available in the same apartment block....
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