Lerne, arbeite, knüpfe Kontakte und fühle dich wie zu Hause.Entdecken Sie mehr Studentenwohnungen in SevillaThe facilities will include a fully catered option with a fully equipped on-site canteen and restaurant area, an outdoor recreational area, a bike park, a group study area, on-site laundry facilities, and a basement car parking area. All rooms are fully furnished and equipped, 100Mb Wi-FI, cleaning, linen, and all expenses included. Located on a modern and purpose-built student accommodation scheme situated in a beautiful part of Seville, right next to one of the largest park areas of the city of Seville and just a short walk to the Reina Mercedes campus of the University of Seville, and a short bike ride to the Pablo Olavide University campus and to the Loyola University campus. The scheme is designed to the highest standards of student living, giving our residents the opportunity to enjoy park side living, panoramic views from the roof terrace, together with all the modern amenities in ensuite bedrooms. Their residence is conveniently located for local supermarkets, banks, and other amenities. The Seville Park scheme is designed to cater to all aspects of student life....
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