Boulevard du Mont-Boron
Gesamte Wohnung
Wohnungseigentum: 77 m²
Platz für 4 Personen
2 Schlafzimmer

The quoted monthly rent is for a long-term (less than a year) or low-season rate. Do not hesitate to contact me for other rates. . Gaz (heating) estimates do not apply between may and November. Electricity bill will depend of use of air conditioning. . You could also occupy a 31 sqm apartment, fully equipped and attached but independent of the apartment. Ideal for a separate office. It can also be rented without the main apartment. . The apartment is equipped with fiber optic and Dual Band Mesh powerful Wi-Fi 6 system, internet . Equipped with an electric standing desk and the best ergonomic chair, Hag Capisco pulls. . RARE property is rated Exceptional by all tenants. . Nice, most exclusive, and quiet area located on the Mont-Boron, between Elton John's house and Sean Connery's former home. . Breathtaking sea and mountain views, day and night, from the three terraces . 861 sq feet (77 sqm) renovated by architect, two bedrooms, air conditioning in bedrooms, with terrace; one with a king-size very high-quality bed; one with twin beds (can be reunited) both exceptionally quiet overlooking olive and pine trees forest; a crib is also available. . Private garage included with door remote control and an electrical wall box for fast charging EV. Electricity not included in the rent. . Fully equipped, smart flat-screen TV with Sonos soundbar, wifi, fiber internet, international tv channels, and hairdryer. . Stationary bike (brand new) . Free long-distance to landlines in Canada, the US, and most European countries. . Bus stop nearby, 20 minutes walk to the harbor's best shopping area. Easily accessible from the airport by tram bus, rental car, or taxi-uber. . Fully equipped, fine linen and towels as well. The kitchen opens up onto a small balcony with a beautiful ocean view. There is sun all day since the apartment has three orientations, from east to west. You can then have breakfast, look at the sea as the sun rises, and have your dinner with the same view as the sun sets with a beautiful view of the illuminated city and its Promenade. Because of its unique location, the apartment is very quiet. There is a private garage for one car, or you may leave the car in a parking lot. There is one bathroom and a separate room for the toilet. All windows have electric shades. Beds and furniture are new, except for early XIX century Provencal chairs in the living room and a Louis-Philippe cupboard in one bedroom. Spices, dry herbs, and cleaning liquids are left in the apartment for your convenience. Their replacement is expected. There is a cable LCD television and fiber optic internet access. Neighborhood and weather: Nice is the French's fifth-largest city - well served by an international airport, trains, highways, and a harbor. Nice has its own opera house and many cinemas where films in English are shown. The city is a 20-minute drive to Monte Carlo or Italy (180 kilometers from Genoa), 25 minutes to Provencal villages such as Saint-Paul de Vence and Monte-Carlo, and 80 kilometers from ski slopes (South Alpes). There is a 20-minute walk to the beaches, ten by bus and five by car. The swimming is pleasant since the water temperature can reach 28 degrees Celsius during the summer. Even though people swim all year round, it is comfortable till late October. Warm enough to grow grapefruit and oranges, not to mention the famous small Nice olives, the area is France's warmest and sunniest. Since the apartment is located on a hill and with its three orientations, it enjoys a natural and pleasant breeze. In wintertime, it is warm enough to lunch on the terraces and go skiing in the afternoon......

Einrichtungen und Ausstattung
  • Privatparkplatz
  • Privates Wohnzimmer
  • Private Toilette
  • Private Küche

  • Holzfußboden
  • Zentralheizung
  • Privates Küchengeschirr
  • WiFi
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  • Art von Mieter:Studenten, Berufstätige
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