A unique loft in the old city center of Dordrecht, located in the most beautiful street of the city! There are bars, restaurants, museums, cultural treasures and monuments, shopping malls and public transportation, all at a walking distance. It is fully equipped and has all the facilities that you need for your day-to-day activities. Nothing beats the feeling of having a cup of coffee on the balcony in the morning while enjoying the stillness, the amazing Wijnhaven, the sunrise and the singing birds. The loft is on the third floor of the building. There is a private entrance, a small hallway, a combined living room and kitchen, a sleeping area, a bathroom including a bathtub, a terrace, a laundry room and a toilet. Things to keep in mind: The loft is on the third floor, and there are three steep stairs that you have to climb. We would advice not to book the appartment if you have trouble climbing steep stairs....
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