Welcome, everyone! A bed is available in a double room within a spacious renovated apartment. The apartment consists of two double rooms and one single room. A security deposit equivalent to two months' rent is required. Rental Terms & Conditions 1. Utilities and Expenses The rent is no longer all-inclusive. Tenants pay a monthly advance of for electricity, water, gas, heating, condominium fees, unlimited internet, waste tax, and other related expenses. A cost reconciliation is conducted every three months based on actual consumption. 2. Contract Terms and Termination The possible lease end dates are: • August 31st 2025 • January 31st 2026 • August 31st 2026 3. Services Provided and Fees The following services are included in a one-time fee: • Consultancy and support for the rental and contract management throughout its duration. • Assistance with the signing of the preliminary and final contract, providing information and clarifications in English. • Monitoring utility consumption to prevent excessive extra charges. • Administrative assistance with contract registration, renewal, and early termination procedures (excluding the registration tax payment). • Support in handling technical issues and coordinating both routine and extraordinary maintenance...
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