The studio is on the second floor of an authentic Dutch building. Recently the property was completely renovated with a new kitchen and bathroom. The studio is situated just outside the historic city centre of Utrecht. 10 minutes by bus or bike will take you to the city centre of Utrecht, where you will find Utrecht’s main attractions such as the Dom Tower, the famous canals and the beloved squares Neude and Janskerkhof. This studio is located at the Amsterdamsestraatweg, a well-known Utrecht street. 10 minutes by bus or bike and you are in the city centre of Utrecht, where you will find Utrecht’s main attractions such as the Dom Tower, the famous canals and the beloved squares Neude and Janskerkhof. On these squares you will find several restaurants and great bars. Utrecht Central Station is 10 minutes away. From this large and modern railway station many buses and trains take you to all other interesting places in the Netherlands. Please be aware that for short stays without registration, the tourist tax of 8.5% may be applied...
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