The apartment is made of a hallway, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and 2 bathrooms. The place is located on the second floor in the backyard. The bedroom is fully equipped with 4 beds, lamps, curtains, shelves, wardrobe, hangers, drying rack, bedside tables, desk and chairs. The price is for the entire bedroom! There is a table with chairs in the kitchen. The size of the apartment is around 70 m2. There are 9 single beds in the apartment (double beds are available upon previous request). The Lessor can get an additional life insurance for foreign students (this is upon previous request). The kitchen is fully equipped. The Lessor can get for the tenants hand-sanitizers, hand made fashion pochette-masks made in Italy (very trendy and fashion masks), gloves, sanitizers and protective visors (upon request). The apartment is made of a hallway, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and 2 bathrooms. The place is located on the second floor in the backyard. The size of the apartment is around 70 m2. There are 4 beds currently in the apartment (additional double beds or single beds are available upon previous request) : 2 double-beds and 2 single beds. The Lessor can get an additional life insurance for foreign students (this is upon previous request). The kitchen is fully equipped. The Lessor can get for the tenants hand-sanitizers, hand made fashion pochette-masks made in Italy (very trendy and fashion masks), gloves, sanitizers and protective visors (upon request). There is a weekly cleaning service available for the tenants. The cost of the service is not included in the price of the monthly rent. There is a rental service of bed linens and towels available for the tenants. The cost of the service is not included in the price of the monthly rent. Each bedroom can be locked....
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