Sleeping Beauties Apartment #7 is located on the first floor (European numbering) of a typical Dutch terraced house and underwent a complete renovation in 2021. It has a brand-new kitchen and bathroom. Even though this is a studio it includes a fully equipped kitchen, a small living area with comfortable two-seater couch and bathroom including a toilet and shower stall. Due to its size, it is most suitable for two persons. The studio is located close to the famous Wilhelmina park, a lovely place to relax in the open air. This is the perfect location if you want to be close to Utrecht Science Park as well as the historic city centre of Utrecht, as the apartment can be found right in between. Within a 10-minute bike ride you reach Utrecht Science Park where the University of Utrecht is located. It will only take you 6 minutes by bike to reach the historic city centre of Utrecht. Here you will find many attractions such as the famous canals of Utrecht, the Dom Tower, Neude and other beloved squares of the city, such as Janskerkhof. The studio is surrounded by a variety of great restaurants, great shopping streets and a number of bars. Utrecht Central Station is reached by a 9-minute bike ride. From this large and modern railway station many buses and trains leave for other destinations in the Netherlands. Please be aware that for short stays without registration, the tourist tax of 8.5% may be applied...
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