Inspired by the vastness of valleys, Cape combines modern design with traditional Catalan architecture. This 60 square meter space disposes of 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. In the hallway prior to the open living area, there is a dedicated work area with a desk and two chairs. The living room has a lounge area decorated with bright green plants. Find a dining area with a high wooden table between the lounge area and the kitchen. The kitchen is fully equipped with all cooking utensils and appliances. The bedroom has a queen-sized bed with storage space hidden behind sliding doors. The second bedroom has a double bed with underbed storage. Color block decoration adds a unique flare throughout the apartment. The bathroom has a full bath. *We welcome pets, fees are subject to apply. Guests will be informed of any additional charges in the final contract. *We cannot be held liable for any noises (construction, or street noise) done outside the apartment. We also cannot be liable for any rooms without air conditioning (all the rooms with air conditioner will be explicitly explained in our description). We will not accept any reservation cancellations or refund request related to these two issues. *Our in-house design team expertly selects all apartment furniture and decor to ensure the highest level of quality and comfort. As part of consistent home upkeep, design improvements, and photo staging, there may be minor differences in furnishings seen in the photos and what you find in the apartment. Inquire with a sales agent for any questions or doubts...
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