The design of this property has a very modern approach, giving it a very fancy feeling. The interiors a bright, colorful, and spacious, which creates a very open and breathable atmosphere and alluring warm energy. This wonderful property features high ceilings, large windows to brighten up the space and also give you great views, The room is equipped with a comfortable bed, a closet offering all the space you need for your belongings, a desk where you can study, read, work, or get creative, a TV, and everything you bring to it! You'll fall in love with: All the different restaurants and coffee shops from all around the world. You can taste the flavors of the world without leaving your neighborhood. The neighborhood: Arroios is a multicultural neighborhood that gathers families from all over the world and it's very attractive to students due to its proximity to the center. The lifestyle: Here you can find modern shops along with traditional businesses and the local market, where you can always buy fresh products at cheaper prices. Please note that if you end your stay earlier than initially booked, the deposit will not be refunded...
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