we are excited to offer exchange students to rent our listing To get to the university you take bus number 1 from Hamraborg bust station (5 minutes walk from the listing) - it takes around 10 minutes with the bus from Hamraborg to the University - there is also a nice bike road to the university by the sea shore It is very easy to take both the flybus to Hamraborg from the airport (7 minutes walking distance from the apartment) and also to take the bus downtown or take an electric bike (Hopp) along the seashore to downtown :) The apartment is part of our house but it has a private entrance. Large windows facing south with scenic and pristine view of the mountains Bláfjöll, Helgafell and more. The apartment is divided into living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen/entrance. We have decorated the apartment with photos that I have taken of Icelandic nature, hope you like them! (hidden)...
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