Nice, bright, modern, cosy and quiet place, near the port, it has 4x glass windows and super sound isolation for those you like to sleep well. It also had blind curtains so it can be 100% dark. Airconditioner/heating. Ceiling fans in the leaving room and above the bed. Bed 180x200. 13min by metro line 10 you at the Station Norte (a central station of Valencia) or 15-20min by bike to the city centre. 10-15 min walking to The City of Arts and Sciences. 10min by bike to the city beach or 20-25min walking), 15min by bike to the nude beach (Penedo-El Saler) Very easy to access to the public transport. Oven/microwave combo, electric stove, small fridge with deep freezer, coffee maker, water kettle, toaster, wash/dry combo machine, hair dryer. Free street parking around the property. Utility bills are not included and will be charged monthly...
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