We offer beds in a: - double room - from 350 euro per person including all expenses - triple room - from 290 euro per person including all expenses A bed in a double / triple room is rented only for friends or group. Our facility is a hostel, we have been hosting tourists since 2014, but from October to May, we only accommodate students in the rooms. Our hostel is located on 2 floors in a beautiful historic building. Each floor has 4-5 rooms, a kitchen or buffet and shared bathrooms. Some rooms have their own bathroom or balcony. The house is located on the river embankment in the very center of the historical part of Ljubljana. The rooms are clean and well equipped. For all students there is a kitchen, washing machine and iron. Provided: bed, desk, clothes hanger and shelves, Wi-Fi, refrigerator, stove, toaster, microwave, kettle, linens. Address: Breg 14. Just 100-300 meters from the entrance: supermarket and ATM, bars and cafes, pharmacy, bus stop, 24-hour bakery, bank, Trafica store. Three bridges on the central square are about 5 minutes walk and Tivoli Park is about 10-20 minutes walk. Within a 2-5 minute walk are the m(hidden)uilding of the University of Ljubljana, the Faculty of Architecture, the Faculty of Arts, the Narvotechnical Faculty, the Central Library, etc. For any other questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help you with anything you may need...
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