I rent a spacious room for a student, with furniture included (desk, bed, large wardrobe, and shelves), in a three-bedroom shared house for students. The room is bright, and very pleasant in winter, with a radiator next to the bed and wooden floor that does not get cold, and in summer you can enjoy the community pool. It seeks to create a relaxed atmosphere to use the living room and kitchen with total comfort. Looking for educated, clean and responsible people. 1 month deposit is requested. Minimum stay: 3 months. The location has two supermarkets, fast food, bazaar/stationery and gym literally next door. **Metro (San Fernando) at 8 min and commuter trains at 10 min, in addition to a variety of buses that pass by the house. ** 12 minutes from U. King Juan Carlos, 13 minutes from U. Polytechnic and 19 minutes from U. of Alcala. The house is family style, with three bedrooms, one of which is occupied by the owner's son. In the house there are rules and dynamics to maintain cleanliness...
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