Brand new designed room in Utrecht City Center Welcome to our brand new designed room in Utrecht City Center . Only 5 minutes away by walk to Utrecht Central Station / Jaarbeursplein. This apartment is located in the bohemian neighbourhood of Utrecht “Transwijk”, closest to the Central Station of Utrecht. In the last couple of years it has grown to a very populair area for students and young families. There are so many charming small streets and most of the places for food are open till late. The room is located on the second floor of the building. After entering your private entrance you will notice that the whole room is brand new decorated and light and cozy. All you need to do is to bring your suitcase and respect our cherished and cared for home. - Completely furnished - Fully equipped - Fully serviced - Internet included - Clean bed linen and towels included Extra person: €150,- To increase your chance to secure the apartment for yourself, please attach your passport to your first message. This way, we will be able to validate your request as soon as possible. Looking forward to meet you! Kind regards, Igor & Louise...
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