• High-speed Wi-Fi for study, gaming, zoom calls, etc. • It takes 15 minutes to walk to the city center. • Buses and Luas stop right at your doorstep. • All rooms have a private bathroom. • All rooms have one desk. • Designate a work and study area with power outlets. • Fully fitted kitchen, including air fryer. • Cinema room • Designated outdoor smoking area • Designated laundry area (washing machine and dryer) This luxury two-story house has modern wood floors and large bedrooms with everything you need. Guests can watch movies in the cinema room or smoke outdoors. The home also boasts a fully equipped kitchen, perfect for preparing meals and snacks, and a comfortable desk area. The house is modern and sleek, with stylish furnishings and wooden flooring. The large windows in the room allow for natural light to flow in, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Additionally, the house's location provides easy access to nearby restaurants, shops, and attractions. 💢💢💢💢 The first month’s rent will be completed through HousingAnywhere. The deposit + fees need to be completed at check-in. Only in case the move-in date is later than 3 weeks from the first available date, half of the deposit needs to be paid in directly to us. 💢💢💢💢 Check-in is available until 10 PM, ensuring plenty of time for your arrival....
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