In a shared flat (with a boy student) just across the street of Polimi,, a single room, with wardrope, desk, ground floor, no elevator. kitchen , little but equipped with induction fireplace, microwave ( personal fridge, in each room)washingmachine in the bathroom , with window (not every bathroom in Italy has a window) Place for bikes in basement. The other tenant is a boy student , Busstop for Cattolica in front of the house (10/15 mins by bus, 25 walking) 5 mins to train station, 5 mins to centre. 3 mins to busstation Supermarkets (Lidl, Penny, Esselunga very close). Evt place for parking a car inside the private court. Bedsheet (80 x 190) towels, bedcover are not furnished u have to bring your own...
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