Our fully equipped rooms offer everything you need for a relaxed and convenient stay! Apartment & Outdoor Space: - 104 m2 of comfortable space. - 75 m2 of shared outdoor space for fresh air & relaxation. Connectivity & Utilities: - High-Speed Internet & Smart TV. - Individual Energy Meter for Each Room. - Shared Utility Costs – Fair and transparent for electricity, water & maintenance. - Advanced Ventilation & Heat Recovery System. - Heat Pump for Hot & Cold Water. - Exterior Walls – Brick & masonry with rock wool thermal insulation for better energy efficiency. - Double-Glazed Windows – Better temperature control & noise reduction. - Electric Shutters. Room Features – Fully Furnished & Ready to Move In! - Single Bed with Comfortable Mattress. - Bedside Table with Lamp. - Mini-Fridge – Keep your snacks and drinks handy. - Smart TV. - Study Desk with Swivel Chair. - Spacious Wardrobe – Plenty of storage for your belongings. Fully Equipped Kitchen & Dining Area: - Fridge-Freezer Combo & Built-in Oven. - Built-in Microwave & Ceramic Cooktop. - Dishwasher & Washing Machine. - Large Dining Table (Seats 10). Smart TV in the Kitchen. Additional Info: - Short-Term Stays (Under 3 Months) – Extra Fee Applies Great location – Close to public transport, shops, and universities...
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