❤Fancy room with a window in Calle de Montesa❤ The bedroom features an individual bed, night light, trunk, desk and chair, cupboard, mirror, and door with a key. Elegant and calm are the words that could define this part of the Barrio de Salamanca, located between the Barrio de Goya and Ventas. You will enjoy the Eva Perón Park, the wonderful unknown Fuente del Berro Park, the elegant golden mile, Ortega y Gasset street, and the atmospheric terraces of the famous Plaza Manuel Becerra and Plaza de las Ventas, the Goya English Court and the Retiro Park a few minutes from your home! Nearby metros: -Manuel Becerra station: red line 2, gray line 6, purple line 9. -Goya station: line 2 red, line 4 brown. -Diego de León station: line 6 grey, line 4 brown, line 5 green. 📜Bills Included up to 150 per apartment in electricity and gas! Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...
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