❤Comfy room with a window in Calle Lope de Rueda❤ The bedroom features a double bed, night light, bedside table, desk and chair, cupboard, mirror, and door with a key. The Barrio de Goya is the heart of the Barrio de Salamanca. This neighborhood has such a quality of life... it offers you everything. What do you like? Do you buy them? Cinema? Theater? Music? The sport? The gastronomy? Going out with your friends? Sightseeing? Do you practice outdoor sports? Enjoy a good dinner in an elegant restaurant. You will find everything in this neighborhood, fashion stores, cinemas, theaters, the WIZINK CENTER (Old Sports Palace), Goya's English Court, Torrijos Market, Retiro Park, tapas, and beer bars. Plaza Felipe II from you can take buses to any part of the city. This neighborhood is fun, safe, and well-connected. Nearby metros: -Goya station: red line 2, brown line 4. -Príncipe de Vergara station: purple line 9, red line 2. 📜Bills Included up to 150 per apartment in electricity and gas! Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...
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