Opportunity to expand your “circle of friends”. Enjoy the good atmosphere in this house equipped to receive only girls. Located next to the Jaume I UJI university, it saves time and has easy access to all facilities. The 40 m2 room with an en-suite bathroom (and bathtub) is spacious and bright, with two comfortable single beds, a desk and 5 linear metre mirrored wardrobes to store your books and personal items, as well as an exclusive terrace inside the room. In addition, you will have access to a fully equipped shared kitchen, where you can prepare your meals and socialise with other students. The house is fully equipped with a fridge, microwave, oven, washing machine, dishwasher and kitchen utensils, and of course, let's not forget the free access to the fitness room and the small library. A great space to share and go at your leisure without losing privacy. Write to me and I will inform you step by step on how to make your reservation for the entire course, Erasmus included. Rent directly with the owner, save and avoid problems. The advertised price is per person and the room is shared with a first-year psychology student...
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