A brand newly renovated flat located in Born located in downtown Barcelona. This charming apartment has 2 bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and a fully furnished living room with a t.v. Lots of nightlife and daytime activities, this apartment is perfect for students. Located between the Gothic Quarter and the Ciutadella Park, the apartment is in one of Barcelona ́s trendiest neighbourhoods. It has some of Barcelona ́s oldest buildings and historic areas of the city. The apartment is within a 10 minute walk to metro station Jaume I (L4), Barceloneta (L4), Arc de Triomf (L1) and Ciutadella Vila Olimpíca. The Pg Picasso-Princesa bus station is within a 2 minute walk. Within a short walking distance to the Barcelona zoo, Barceloneta beach, Cuitadella Park and important monuments. - Don't smoke - Pets are not allowed - Parties are forbidden - Take out the trash daily - Short-term visits are allowed Single room in the heart of Barcelona A newly renovated cozy room that looks out onto the streets of Barcelona. It has everything you need for a comfortable stay. The room comes with a single bed, wardrobe, a desk with a chair, a bedside table with a lamp and an exterior window. Bedding is not included (the mattress is provided only with a cover). Please keep in mind that the amount requested in the "other additional costs" field refers to tenant assistance coverage....
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