There is this room with private bathroom and Air conditioning for cold and hot in your own room also with private bathroom specially for students of UMU or UCAM Universities, located in La Ñora, Murcia. It is a nice house with patio and terrace . The room is Big with single bed , wardrobe and table desk for your studies. The location is very good, 8 minutes walking to UCAM and about less than 1 minute walking to the bus stop. Around you have all serivces such as supermarket, cafeterias, banks, gym, heatlh center. The bus stop in only a few steps walking, also you have the tram stop a few more steps. WIFI is included in the price, very good connection!! EYE note that not all houses in La Ñora have this. GIRLS ONLY, You will share the house with other three students, nice athmosphere. Thank you...
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