Locuințe studențești
Studiați, lucrați, conectați-vă și simțiți-vă ca acasă.Descoperă mai multe reședințe studențești în Bormujos💢💢💢 An ideal option for students looking for comfortable accommodation close to the universities and just a 10-minute drive from central Seville. The residence offers a quiet and welcoming environment, perfect for students who want to focus on their studies. The animation team is always willing to help residents adapt to their new life in Seville. The residence offers 127 rooms, all with private bathrooms, air conditioning, and WiFi. There are also common areas, such as a study room, a living room, a kitchen, a laundry room, and a gym. The residence has an animation team that organizes activities for residents, such as parties, excursions, and workshops. ✅As part of the inclusive amenities, the room covers the cost of water, electricity, and Wi-Fi services. ✅Weekly Room Cleaning (45€ month) ✅Change of sheets and towels (25€/month). ✅Car Parking (30€ month) 💢💢💢 💲❗ After the reservation is completed, you will be required to pay the deposit and other fees through our secure payment system. 💢💢�...
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