The residence of Segovia is located in Calle Blanca de Silos No8, specifically in the main student center of the city of Segovia, 30 seconds walk from the Campus Maria Zambrano. You will have the luxury of walking to your campus and university. The residence is designed with a residence-hotel concept. Residence because the students who stay in it have common areas such as: indoor and outdoor terraces, lounges with sofas, tables, chairs, televisions... laundry service area with dryers and washing machines, a GYM, vending machines, library, coworking area, kitchen with individual lockers... On the other hand, in HOTEL format, where students enjoy the privacy that gives them the fact that all rooms have private bathroom with shower inside the room and therefore have total freedom when entering and leaving the residence. The rooms have KITCHENETTE (refrigerator and microwave included in the room price) single or double bed, desk, closet, lamp, air conditioning and heating, window and natural light. All rooms have the same furniture regardless of type or price....
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