Experience life in the vibrant heart of the city! A modern and trendy design gives the space a luxurious feeling. Its bright and colorful interiors give the space a wonderful ambiance. The colorful interiors mix smoothly with the space, giving the place a vibrant atmosphere. This amazing listing features beautiful decoration, a beautiful balcony, and a fully equipped kitchen with everything you'll need, simply put, a very comfortable space! The neighborhood is right outside the center meaning that you can have all the peace at home, while the liveliness of the city is just a few stops away so you don’t have to compromise on anything! On foot, you can easily reach the bus stop, the tram stop, the subway stop, and beautiful green areas to enjoy an evening out! Important to note: - Utilities (electricity, water, gas) are included up to 45 euros (15 euros per service). - Wi-Fi and a weekly cleaning service are included. - Couples will not be accepted. - Families with children will not be accepted. - Minors will not be accepted. 🏦 5th FLOOR Please note: - The registration to the address is allowed just for contracts that last more than 6 months...
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