Located in one of the prime locations of Zurich this is a spectacular, brand new apartment with a minergie rating. The whole apartment is furnished with energy efficient interiors reducing the environmental impact and is very bright with ample natural light. Modern interior with dark glossy wood furniture, open kitchen and aquatic themed curtains and styling, this apartment brings harmonious synergy of tranquil and calm. The living area opens to a relaxing seating arrangement interconnected with stylish open kitchen and beautiful dining area surrounded by glass on all sides giving a nice touch of connectedness with the outside and surreal living inside. There is an open bar with bar stools making a perfect ambiance to enjoy evening drinks and savour a good time. The dining area has a striking wave inspired low table light creating an enchanting experience to dining. There is a large balcony with a lounge sit out and a mini barbeque arrangement making it a perfect space to unwind your everyday. The bedrooms are designed tastefully with minimal natural tone mirrors, bedding and workstations. There are two bathrooms. Modern open kitchen designed to simplify living with two sided platform area and complete in-build on angled cabinet having all the utensils, cutlery, dine and wine crockery, and all appliances including ( refrigerator, toaster, griller, dishwasher, coffee machine and juicer). High speed internet and wifi-modem facility with good range from all areas of the house. Other necessary items such as steam iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner, curtains & appropriate lighting–LED etc. Wintergarten: Available Location specifics: Located within prime location “Glattpark” Attractive views from apartment: Direct view to the lake Three sides open Unobstructed view to Opfiker Park Mountain view on a clear day Morning sun in bedrooms and evening sun in living and dining area Well connected via bus and tram, with high frequency City center accessible by train within 30 mins commute time Bus stop falls within Zone 10 All facilities as restaurants (various cuisines), gym, medical facilities, doctor practice, schools, clubs, bars etc. available at door step...
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