The place is precisely located on a high ground floor with a view on the courtyard. There is no noise, the place is protected from the street. The studio apartment is located in an elegant building on the ground floor in one of the most famous and central place in Krakow: Krowoderska street. There many groceries, stores, pubs and disco all around the place. The place is just few steps away from the Matejki academy of fine arts (akademia sztuk pięknych). There is new a washing machine in the apartment. The apartment is fully furnished (cutlery, wardrobe, chairs, kitchen tools, rack for clothes and much more). The deposit shall cover 1 monthly rent + utilities/bills in the value of one month calculated in excess. The deposit is only an amount withheld by the Lessor as collateral and a guarantee for the entire rental period. The security deposit is not a form of payment of the last monthly rent. The Lessor is reasonable, always ready to understand and help the tenants. A service of weekly cleaning is available upon request. The cost of the service is not included in the price of the monthly rent. There service of bed linens and towels is available upon request. The cost of the service is not included in the price of the monthly rent. The bills are not included in the price of the monthly rent shown in this advert. The tenant can pay the bills either upon consumption or deal with the Lessor the payment of an all inclusive amount for the bills and all other utilities. There is a comfortable sofa-bed (double bed size). THE DEPOSIT IS NEGOTIABLE FOR A PERIOD OF LESS THAN 3 MONTHS...
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