Located in the city of Oporto, this property is just a 200m walk from the Metro station “Casa da Música” and a 10-minute walk from “Casa da Música” and the Boavista Avenue. Set in a quiet residential area – Boavista - this apartment is furnished, with a relaxing atmosphere. It includes one double room and a twin room, a comfortable living room with sofa and dining area. The private bathroom has a bathtub. The kitchen allows guests to prepare their own meals and includes a microwave, refrigerator, oven, stove, and a washing machine. Supermarket “Mercadona”, where guests can buy supplies, is across the street. The historical city centre of Porto is 15 minutes away. At the end of Boavista Avenue, guests will find the City Park and the Atlantic Coast with various beaches and bars. Porto International Airport is 11 km away with door to door Metro (22-minutes) - Line E...
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