Your Ideal Home, Shared with a Vibrant Senior Male Landlord! Welcome to a comfortable living space where you'll share all facilities with a senior male landlord who's right in the midst of life! Furnished Room for Your Convenience: Your room is furnished upon your arrival, ensuring your comfort and convenience. Financial Details: Additional costs/service costs €1250 / non-refundable/one-off payment: furniture, upholstery House Rules: To maintain a peaceful and harmonious living environment, please respect the following house rules: Enjoy musical instruments with headphones to avoid disturbing others. Kindly note that smoking, pets, and address registration with the municipality are not permitted. Tenant Requirements: Only once the booking is completed we need the following documents: - proof of identity - acceptance to an educational institution and/or proof of employment Get in Touch: We invite you to send us a brief and personal description of yourself. Share details about your nationality (origin), age, education or work background, current location, your hobbies, and take a moment to describe your personality type. Online Booking Platform: Please note that we operate through HousingAnywhere, an online booking platform. This means we can't facilitate direct contact or viewings. To secure your room, simply send us a booking request or reach out with any questions. Welcome to Our Community: University-educated international students and employees are warmly welcomed. This is your opportunity to find a comfortable and friendly home. Contact us today to embark on your next adventure! Please note: - We are available to support you, offering phone assistance even outside of office hours...
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