ROOM Our rooms come fully furnished with everything you need for a comfortable daily life. In the bedroom area, you will find a bed with a nightstand and lamp, as well as a large wardrobe. A premium mattress with a set of bedsheets, pillows, and duvets is also always included. To comfortably work or study from home, there is a table with a lamp and chair. You wont need anything additional to settle in, and can arrive just your luggage at hand. APARTMENT You will be the first to move into our newly constructed and renovated apartments. Each flat has a fully equipped modern kitchen with everything from pans to a coffee machine, dishwasher, and oven. All apartments have spacious bathrooms that you will be sharing with your flatmates. PROPERTY The property is purposefully built to be an ideal location for you to enjoy the co-living lifestyle, and be part of the (hidden) community. The building is split into three parts with a front house, and a cozy garden house as well as a back house. You can be cooking meals with your flatmates in the fully equipped kitchens or spending time in the comfortable common area....
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