MONTHLY RENTAL Equipped and furnished house of 69 m2 for temporary rental (from 32 nights to 11 months) in the Horta-Guinardó district of Barcelona. The house has 3 bedrooms , two doubles and one single, a spacious and bright living-dining room with access to a terrace, a separate kitchen and a bathroom with a shower . Likewise, it also has heating, fiber internet connection, dishwasher and washing machine. Horta-Guinardó is one of the districts with the most natural and cultural diversity , with natural spaces such as the Guinardó Park . The closest public transport stops to the house are Horta or Vilapicina (L5) . If you want more information about the terms and conditions of the home, contact (hidden) . ADMINISTRATION FEE: 1 month's rent + 21% VAT LOCAL TAXES (I.T.P.): 0.5% of the total reservation (Monthly cost calculated as "other" in the Rent summary. The total amount will be collected before the check-in) BOOKING PROCESS: After the reservation is confirmed, you will be required to pay the remaining payments before the handover of the keys. EARLY-BOOKING POLICY (requests 2 months in advance) If you are planning to book an occupied apartment more than 2 months in advance, we cannot confirm the availability yet (The current tenants have the right to extend their stay). Please, get in contact with us 2 months before your move-in date. NO DISCOUNTS POSSIBLE BOOKING PROCESS: After the reservation is confirmed, you will be required to pay the remaining payments directly to the advertiser before the handover of the keys...
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