ROOM Our rooms come fully furnished with a premium mattress, a wardrobe, a desk, and a chair. Of course, pillows, bed sheets, and small items such as a bedside table and a small lamp are always included. APARTMENT It’s more than just a co-living apartment, this is simply a very big, comfy place. You will find a place to store your food and for the emergency food heat-ups a microwave. 2 shared bathrooms among 5 rooms. A fully-equipped kitchen, with a fridge, washing machine, and other appliances. PROPERTY This co-living apartment is perfect if you love to have your own space and live in a community full of people. It has 5 rooms, meaning you will have all these people to connect with and share your experiences. A couple of minutes away from the metro station of Rato, where you will be able to move around the town easily....
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