Locuințe studențești
Studiați, lucrați, conectați-vă și simțiți-vă ca acasă.Descoperă mai multe reședințe studențești în CovilhãComfortable Living with Shared Spaces: Single Room with Shared Bathroom Welcome to a living experience that combines personal space with shared amenities Key Features: Single Room with Shared Bathroom: Your private retreat within a shared living environment. Thoughtfully designed shared bathroom for your convenience. Common Kitchen: Access to a communal kitchen for shared cooking and dining experiences. Additional Services: Regular room cleaning for a consistently tidy space. Biweekly change of sheets and towels for your comfort. COMMON AREAS Unwind and socialize in our dedicated entertainment room equipped for various leisure activities. Gym: Stay active and fit with access to our fully-equipped gym facilities. Kitchen/Diner Area: Communal kitchen/diner area for shared cooking and dining experiences. Laundry Room: On-site laundry facilities for your convenience. Social Hub: Connect with fellow residents in our designated social hub, fostering a sense of community. Study Room: Quiet and dedicated study areas for focused work and academic pursuits. Terrace: Enjoy the fresh air and scenic views on our inviting terrace. Type: Single room with shared bathroom and common kitchen. Room cleaning and biweekly change of sheets and towels. 💲❗ After the reservation is completed, you will be required to pay the deposit and other fees through our secure payment system...
Dacă anulezi această rezervare
Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:
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