Rua Frei Agostinho da Cruz
Întregul apartament
Proprietate: 18 m²
Spațiu pentru 2 persoane

💢💢💢 This modern comfy studio inserted in a typical building, was designed and equipped so that you have what you need to spend your vacation days in the downtown. Close to markets and gastronomic scene, whether you're looking for a gastronomic adventure traditional Portuguese cuisine or fresh products, downtown Setúbal offers a journey that will seduce your taste buds and leave you wanting more, you can see more in our guide! With high-speed WiFi and air conditioning, ideal for a couple retreat! The space Located on the building ground floor, this 20m2 studio has a bedroom area, breakfast nook that doubles as a working space, kitchenette and bathroom. The kitchenette is equipped with microwave/oven, induction stove, mini fridge, 80L water heater, Dolce Gusto expresso coffee machine, electric kettle and toaster. Wi-Fi and air conditioning. Please do not use simultaneously all electronic appliances, such as toasters, kettles, hobs, stoves, as this will bring down the electrical panel. If you're cooking, turn on one appliance at a time, because with the air conditioner and water heater on, the electrical panel don ́t handle so many appliances on. Guest access Guests will have full access to the entire apartment. Other things to note - Dear guest, your booking responsibility: We kindly ask all guests to carefully read and understand the apartment configuration and the house rules, as well as our listing, before making a reservation. - Amenities and Consumables: Guests can expected to find in the apartment the equipment, amenities, and consumables mentioned in the listing. Please bring any extra consumables that you think you will need and are not listed. - The cleaning fee includes the cleaning of the apartment also the laundry, done by a professional company. - The studio has no private parking, to park your car you have appropriate places on the street or in the car park and it is paid. - Water Heater The apartment is equipped with a 80 liters water heater to be used in the apartment, if the hot water runs out it can take up to 2/3 hours to heat the 80 liters of hot water. - We are sorry but it is not allowed to leave luggage in the apartment before check-in and after check-out because we do not have a place to store luggage, thanks for your understanding. - There is luggage storage on R. António Maria Eusébio, at the end of our street, a 3-minute walk away, called bounce luggage storage. - Please do not flush the wipes down the toilet because it clogs the pipes, throw them in the bin. - We cannot be held accountable for the consequences of the misuse of electrical equipment, balconies, windows, handrails, stairs and any other hazardous areas. - We are not responsible for any theft or forgetting goods, which occur inside the apartment. Setúbal, Portugal You can visit the Livramento Market (considered by USA Today, as one of the most famous markets in the world), is a 7 minute walk from our apartment where you can buy some of the local products. In the Troino neighborhood you will find a local energy that will easily seduce and challenge you to set out on exploration and enjoy quality time, is a 5 minute walk from our apartment. Casa da Baía is an ideal place to get to know the history and culture of the region, where you can also purchase locally produced delicacies, each space that makes up Casa da Baía is complemented with a sound system/ambient music, is a 5 minute walk from our apartment. The laundry is 300 meters away from our building, is called A Lavadaria de Setúbal, Laundry address - Av. Combatentes da Grande Guerra 44 b Between the culture, the products and the life of the region, this is a city with soul to enjoy. Explore the city in a fun way, with a bicycle or scooter. Getting around Setúbal is easy to explore, on foot, by car or by public transportation, like bus, train (from Lisbon) or ferry boat to get to Tróia. * FREE CAR PARKING: There are 2 free parkings less then 5min drive from our building, they are located by the dock area, and they are all next to each other. R. Trabalhadores do Mar (hidden) Setúbal R. Ocidental do Mercado (hidden) Setúbal * PAID CAR PARKING: If you have a car you can easily park in the area, it's paid, you can pay the parking meters with credit card, Mbway as well as coins. - We recommend you to park by the Luisa Todi parque parking area, it's just 190m away from our building, it's a blue area, so it's cheaper than other in the area of the city. The parking is paid from 9h00 to 19h00 on week days / 9h00 to 13h00 on Saturdays / Free on Sundays and Holidays. Minimum 15min / Maximum 4h. * BUS - The closest BUS Stop from our building is called Setúbal (Av Luisa Todi 472) Pirilampos, it's located right in front of Casa da Baia, just 170m away (3min walk). * How to get there from Lisbon Airport by Public Transportation: At the airport grab the SUBWAY (red line) diretion S. Sebastião to Gare do Oriente (3 stops - 6min) it's a train station. Just outside there is a Bus Terminal where you can grab the bus to Setúbal. Grab BUS 4720 Setúbal (Terminal Várzea) it's 2 stops (47min) get out at the STOP Setúbal (Praça de Touros) Hospital then switch buses. Take BUS 4441 Setúbal (Saboaria) it's 5 stops (10min) to the final stop Setúbal (Av Luisa Todi 472) Pirilampos, then walk 190m to our building. *TRAIN The FERGATUS Train is an option to come to Setúbal from Lisbon. In Lisbon grab the subway to one for many train station, Roma-Areeiro, Entrecampos or Sete Rios and then grab the Fertagus train to Setúbal. From there you have to walk 120m to the stop Setúbal (Its Exterior P3) where you can grab bus 4422 Setúbal (Casal Figueiras) get out at Av. Luisa Todi - Setúbal (Av Luisa Todi 472) Pirilampos. it's a 11min bus ride (5 stops) + 3 min walk (190m) to our building. The Fertagus train station is 1.4km away from our apartment, 23min on foot or 6min by car. You can grab the bus 4422 at the train station to get to our apartment, our grab a Uber. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore, exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before the booking. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! 💢💢�...

Facilități și dotări care sporesc confortul
  • Toaletă privată
  • Bucătărie privată
  • Baie privată
  • Parcare comună

  • Ustensile de bucătărie private
  • WiFi
  • Pat
  • Televizor
Reguli și preferințe
  • Vârsta:Nicio preferință
  • Sex:Nicio preferință
  • Tipul de chiriaș:Studenți, angajați
  • Potrivit pentru cupluri:Da
  • Utilizarea de instrumente muzicale este permisă:No
  • Animalele de companie sunt permise:No
  • Fumatul este permis:No
Banii tăi sunt în siguranță până la 48 de ore după ce te muți în locațieAtunci când te muți, dacă proprietatea nu corespunde descrierii din listare, informează-ne în decurs de 48 de ore și poți obține o rambursare.
Banii tăi sunt în siguranță
Rezervarea este confirmatăZiua mutării în locație48 de ore după mutarea în locație
Tipul contractului
Politică de anulare

Anulare strictă

Dacă anulezi această rezervare

  • În decurs de 24 de ore de la confirmare – Rambursarea integrală a chiriei pe prima lună
  • După 24 de ore de la confirmare – Fără rambursare

Cum să rezervi această proprietate

Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:

  1. Selectează-ți datele pentru a verifica disponibilitatea.
  2. Contactează proprietarul făcând clic pe butonul de contact.
  3. Prezintă-te proprietarului. Adresează orice întrebări pe care le-ai putea avea.
  4. Când ești gata să rezervi, trimite o cerere de rezervare.
  5. Când proprietarul aprobă și plata este finalizată, ai rezervat cu succes proprietatea.

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  1. Toate proprietățile de pe HousingAnywhere prezintă imagini și o descriere clară. Dacă orice aspect este neclar, poți contacta cu ușurință proprietarul.
  2. Restricționarea vizionărilor oferă șanse egale tuturor, indiferent dacă sunt localnici sau dacă locuiesc în străinătate.
  3. HousingAnywhere se asigură că proprietatea este în realitate conform descrierii, trimițând orice sumă proprietarului numai după ce te-ai mutat cu succes.
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Asigurat de Protecția chiriașilorÎți garantăm o mutare fără stres sau îți returnăm banii.
Mutare lipsită de stresDacă proprietarul anulează în ultimul moment sau amână mutarea, vei fi ajutat să găsești o altă locație sau să te cazezi temporar la un hotel.
Asistență rapidăÎn cazul în care ceva nu merge așa cum trebuie cu rezervarea ta, te putem ajuta să rezolvi problema.
Rambursare fără problemePăstrăm plata ta în siguranță până la momentul mutării tale. În cazul în care locația nu coincide cu descrierea, vei primi o rambursare.
Cum funcționează protecția