This studio apartment is situated in the idyllic area of Parsons Green just 3 minutes walk from the local cafes and shops. The property is also just 250 meters from Parsons Green Tube Station, making this property the perfect location for your stay in London. Located on the lower ground floor, this beautiful London flat can comfortably accommodate up to two people. The smoke-free property features a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a shared garden. The kitchen is fully equipped with modern appliances and includes all the cooking utensils that you could need when preparing a quick snack or your evening dinner. The bedroom is equipped with a double size bed, with the bathroom is equipped with a bathtub with a free-standing shower. To make this property feel like a home-away-from-home, we offer complimentary WiFi and our complimentary range of luxury amenities: - Fresh, high-quality linen and towels - Eco-friendly toiletries We offer custom pricing for any duration, with rates varying based on exact move-in and move-out dates. Rates start from 2800...
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