ROOM Explore tranquility in this fully furnished first-floor retreat, featuring a stylish double bed, a well-lit writing desk and chair, and a spacious wardrobe. The cozy ambiance provides an ideal balance of comfort and functionality, catering to your desires for both restful relaxation and a productive work environment. APARTMENT Step into modern living on the first level of our newly constructed building. This thoughtfully designed studio apartment boasts a fully equipped kitchenette, seamlessly merging with a cozy living and sleeping area. With contemporary charm and functionality, this second-floor studio offers a fresh and inviting space for those seeking a balanced and modern lifestyle. PROPERTY Located at Rua Margarida de Abreu (hidden) Lisbon, POR, this building is a dynamic hub that spans multiple floors, offering a unique living experience in the heart of the city. Characterized by a blend of contemporary design and functional spaces, the structure is not only a residence but also features a dedicated community space. The multiple floors provide residents with varied perspectives of the surrounding neighborhood and create a sense of vertical community within the building. The address offers the convenience of urban living, with easy access to amenities such as local markets, cafes, and restaurants. Whether enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the neighborhood or utilizing the communal spaces within, Rua Margarida de Abreu 15 encapsulates a modern and connected lifestyle in Lisbon....
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