Kickstart your university life in this comfortable space! As part of this apartment, guests will have the added convenience of a fully furnished kitchen equipped with everything necessary for meal preparation. The apartment also features a shared bathroom and a dining room. The rooms are fully furnished to provide comfort for studying and resting. The bed in this space is a comfortable one, with fresh linens, fluffy pillows, and a soft duvet to ensure a good night's sleep. This space also features ample storage space allowing guests to keep their belongings organized and out of sight. The room is equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a desk and chair for those who need to work or study. The room/apartment you have booked is ready for your stay before you arrive. That means your bed has been made and your room is clean. Please note: - Utilities are included up to a maximum of 75€ per apartment. - A cleaning service is included. This home is located in Valencia and is renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and diverse cultural heritage. the picturesque region of Valencia comes with beautiful beaches along the Mediterranean coast and scenic mountains inland. The Albufera Natural Park, just south of the city, is a tranquil wetland area known for its birdlife and traditional fishing villages. The city also has a thriving arts scene, with museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing both traditional and contemporary works. The city's markets are filled with fresh local produce, seafood, and other delicacies, making it a paradise for food lovers. In addition, the residence is located in a safe and well-located neighborhood, with easy access to public transport, and close to universities and the city center. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...
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