Welcome to Restelo, one of the most iconic neighborhoods in Lisbon. Situated near the Tagus River and with easy access to Lisbon city center and the rest of the country, this apartment offers a convenient location, only about 30 minutes from Lisbon International Airport. Here, you'll discover a relaxing place to live with all amenities nearby. This duplex is designed to separate the social areas from the private spaces. On the entry level, you'll find the living room and fully equipped kitchen, along with a complete bathroom to support day-to-day living. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and another complete bathroom. Each bedroom features built-in wardrobes extending from floor to ceiling. The apartment faces east and west, ensuring comfort and ample natural light throughout the day. For better comfort, all windows are double-glazed. Additionally, there's an exterior space adjacent to the main entrance where you can appreciate the sunset, enjoy breakfast, and take in views of Monsanto and the Serra de Sintra. From both the bedrooms and the living room, you can also enjoy views of the Tagus River...
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