Located on the fourth floor, this beautiful London apartment can comfortably accommodate up to four people. The smoke-free property features a living room, two bedrooms, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen. The living room is equipped with a comfortable sofa, a dining table and a smart TV. The kitchen is fully equipped with modern appliances and includes all the cooking utensils that you could need when preparing a quick snack or your evening dinner. The bedrooms are equipped with double size beds, with a bathroom equipped with a bathtub/a bathtub with an overhead shower. To make the property feel like a home-away-from-home, we offer complimentary WiFi and our complimentary range of luxury amenities: - Fresh, high-quality linen and towels - Eco-friendly luxury toiletries We offer custom pricing for any duration, with rates varying based on exact move-in and move-out dates. Rates start from 3584...
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