L1.3 - LISBON DOWNTOWN TINY DUPLEX APART This charming apartment accommodates up to 2 guests and it is located on the top floor of a 3 apartment building reformed in 2015, in the historical area of Mouraria close to Rossio/Baixa. The apartment is 25m2 and has two floors.. . The 25m2 apartment has two floors. On the first floor, there is a living/dining room with a single sofa, a fully equipped kitchenette, a private bathroom with shower, free Wi-Fi internet, and a smart TV. On the top floor, there is a mezzanine bedroom with a double bed. The apartment has big windows facing the typical Largo da Achada and a lot of light. . . The Mouraria neighbourhood is famous for its traditional folklore, including the characteristic Varina's, fish sellers, and Fado music. It has good access to transportation (subway, bus, and tram) and it is close to local shops (restaurants, bars, groceries, fado houses etc) and car parking. You can feel the daily heartbeat of Lisbon in this lively area, filled with history, colourful facades, and beautiful monuments.. "Alojamento Local" Registration number: 20132/AL You may be charged a cleaning fee when booking this accommodation, please confirm this with the advertiser before booking. Utilities included up to a maximum of 100 euros....
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