Barata Salgueiro 4N (172) Located in Lisbon city center, this apartment has everything you need for a comfortable stay in the capital. Thanks to its incredible location, you will be close to various transportation, restaurants, stores and leisure areas.. . This property includes a living room, a kitchenette, a bedroom and a bathroom. In the living room you will find a sofa, a TV, a coffee table, air conditioning and a small dining table. The kitchenette is equipped with all necessary appliances, such as a refrigerator, a dishwasher and an espresso machine, as well as a microwave and an oven.. The bedroom consists of a double bed with two bedside tables, two closets and a small balcony.. . Prior to your arrival date, our staff will send you the access codes so that you can access the apartment. Full details on how to enter the property will be sent to you before your arrival date.. . This property is located in Rua Barata Salgueiro, in the center of the city of Lisbon. Here, you can find cafés, restaurants, local stores, supermarkets and shopping centers.. . From the location of this property, it is possible to find many of the city's main points of interest on foot, or by public transportation (subway and bus).. . During your stay, our (hidden) team will be available at all times to answer any questions you may have. You may be charged a final cleaning fee when booking this accommodation, please confirm this with the advertiser before booking...
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