Locuințe studențești
Studiați, lucrați, conectați-vă și simțiți-vă ca acasă.Descoperă mai multe reședințe studențești în CracoviaOur Student House is located at Podgórze district – a very dynamic and developing area of the city, that stretches on the right bank of the Vistula river. Despite its proximity to the bustling center of Krakow, it has numerous green and recreational areas. We are a private student residence in Cracow with 157 rooms and 345 beds. We offer private single rooms (including rooms for people with disabilities) and shared double and triple rooms (in 2+3 or 2+2 segments). The building has 5 floors and is equipped with 24-hour video surveillance. We also offer parking places for rent. Place in a triple room: Fully furnished: bed with a mattress, wardrobe with a key, set of hanging shelves, desk, chair, bedside lamp, A room with a surface area of 16-18 square metres, Bathroom and a fridge in the corridor shared with a maximum of four other people, For people who value company and want to form new friendships. 2 shared kitchens on each floor. Possibility to use many common areas (game room, billiard room, gym, cardio, quiet study rooms). Additionally: laundry room (for a nominal fee), drying room and storage unit. Grocery shop (1 min) & bus stop (3 min) close by...
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