Locuințe studențești
Studiați, lucrați, conectați-vă și simțiți-vă ca acasă.Descoperă mai multe reședințe studențești în BruxellesROOM Experience the best of co-living while enjoying the privacy of your own space. Once you enter this modern sanctuary, you’ll find everything you need and more, including a bedroom area with a spacious bed, a table, and a wardrobe, a private bathroom, and a cozy kitchenette. APARTMENT Our private apartments are all about style and comfort. In addition to your very own bedroom, your apartment features a spacious living and dining area, perfect to relax, watch a movie, or host a small gathering with friends, a modern kitchen, and a bathroom. PROPERTY A hub for life, work, play and wellbeing, (hidden)’s new building in Brussels provides spaces for coworking, leisure, restaurants, and cafés. Residents can enjoy a relaxing rooftop, perfect for socializing with other members or having some alone time. In the midst of busy city living, the building also features a stunning garden, designed for moments of tranquility and wellbeing....
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