A BRAND NEW APARTMENT in Reus, 1 minute walking to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (URV). Only GIRLS. Note: The URV has campuses in 6 different towns. The BELLISENS CAMPUS is the only one in Reus, with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Architecture. Check the faculty in which you will study. Rooms available in a recently renovated apartment with a lift. Exterior room FOR SINGLE USE, equipped with 135 cm bed, storage bed (for additional storage space), bedside table with a lamp, 3-door and 2-drawer wardrobe, shoe rack, desk with adjustable lamp, chair, bookcase, mirror, ceiling fan for summer and heater for winter. Optional: pillow, sheets, duvet and duvet cover, plaid and cushions, towels. The apartment has a large kitchen with 2 refrigerators, ceramic stove, oven, microwave, Nespresso-compatible capsule coffee machine, and all the necessary tableware, cutlery, pots,... You will have your own private space assigned to each room where you can store your food. All rooms have a lock with a key, for greater privacy and security. Are you interested in the room? We give preference to those who contact us with a complete presentation message....
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