Welcome to this charming one-bedroom flat in Hammersmith, a perfect blend of comfort and style in one of London’s most vibrant neighbourhoods. This lovely secure property is ideal for a relaxing getaway, equipped with all the essentials for a memorable stay. The flat offers a spacious bedroom featuring a luxurious king-sized bed, complete with a TV for a cosy night in. In the bathroom, you’ll find a large bathtub and a separate glass-enclosed walk-in shower, providing both elegance and convenience. Located on the first floor, you’ll access the property via a flight of stairs from the main entrance, followed by a few steps leading directly into the flat. The living area is thoughtfully designed with a large L-shaped sofa bed to accommodate additional guest. The open-plan kitchen combines rustic and industrial design elements, softened by a touch of modern coziness, making it an ideal spot for meal preparation or enjoying a morning coffee. To make this property feel like a home-away-from-home, we offer complimentary WiFi and our complimentary range of luxury amenities: - Fresh, high-quality linen and towels - Eco-friendly toiletries We offer custom pricing for any duration, with rates varying based on exact move-in and move-out dates. Rates start from 2968...
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