Cosy Room Available for Rent! Welcome to your new home! We have a fantastic room available in a shared house with all facilities shared with the friendly landlady. Details: Additional costs/service costs €1250 / non-refundable/one-off payment: furniture, upholstery House Rules: Music Instruments: Use headphones only Not Allowed: smoking, pets, address registration No washing machine (private use of the landlord): go to a laundry service. Tenant Requirements: Provide proof of identity Proof of acceptance to an educational institution and/or proof of employment Application Process: To secure this fantastic room, send us a message with a short, personal description of yourself. Include: Nationality (origin) Age, education/work, and location Hobbies Describe your personality type Important Note: Please note that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform, and exchanging contact details or offering viewings is not possible. If you're interested or have any questions, send us a booking request or a message. International Community: University-educated international students/employees are more than welcome! Join our diverse and vibrant community. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Book your room now and step into a welcoming and comfortable living space. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Please note: - We are available to support you, offering phone assistance even outside of office hours...
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