Private room in a shared apartment with four international exchange students or alike, who each have their room in the apartment. The bedroom is furnished with a 140x200cm bed, a big desk and a wardrobe. I have been very comfortable living in the room myself. The apartment is bright and fantastically located for university students in Reykjavík, as it is just over 1 kilometre from all universities. There is a bus stop just outside the house with buses that take you to any university within 6 minutes. The apartment is also about 1 kilometre from Laugavegur, Reykjavík's main walking street and has two public swimming pools within walking distance. Klambratún recreational park is in the backyard with facilities for various sports; there is a basketball court, a frisbee golf course and a football field. There is also outdoor barbecue facilities and wide grass fields for enjoying good weather and picnics. The green forest area in Öskjuhlíð and Nauthólsvík beach is also within a short walking distance. Kringlan, a shopping centre is also within 1 km walking distance from the apartment, with fast-food restaurants, a movie theatre and a World Class gym...
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