New flat for 6 persons in the street General Concha, 24 in Bilbao! It is newly renewed, with modern and brand new furniture. There are 6 rooms, 3 rooms with single bed, one room with double bed with ensuite bathroom and one room with two single beds. The total capacity is 7 persons. There are two bathrooms, a living room space with an open kitchen. Monthly rent with services included: 3345€ The services included are: WIFI, home insurance, emergency phone 24/7, maintenance, bed linen, community expenses, consumptions (water, electricity, and gas) up to 420€/month. Payments in Housing Anywhere: First month of rent + their fees Payments outside Housing Anywhere, in our internal area: Deposit: 1 month and a half (it is returned at the end of your stay) Administration fees: 540€ Extra for final cleaning: 450€ (paid during the first month of stay)...
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