💖 Welcome to your new home in the vibrant Athens! This cozy room is ready to welcome you and become your haven in the middle of the city. Situated in a prime location, you'll find everything you need at your fingertips. 🛌🏽 About your private room: The room is part of a large shared 4-room apartment situated on the 4th floor and offers a warm and cozy atmosphere. With a modern and well-kept decoration, you will feel comfortable from the very first moment. The room has all the amenities you need to rest and study, including a comfy bed, a spacious desk, and a space to store your belongings. 🏬 About the apartment: This shared apartment combines modernity and comfort, providing a delightful living experience. Add to your experience by enjoying meals together with your housemates. The kitchen is well-equipped with all the necessary tools to make an amazing home-cooked meal and even has a view. And of course, comfortable and clean bathrooms to ensure a refreshing and hassle-free bathing experience. 🌲 About the neighborhood: The neighborhood is very lively and vibrant! The area is highly commercial, you'll find stores, boutiques, restaurants, and much more in the neighborhood! You can reach several public transportation options within your vicinity that will connect you to the other parts of Athens. There are even nearby parks where you can hang out with friends and family, and beautiful green areas to enjoy an evening out! 📜 House rules: As the description shows, this is a shared apartment. Each guest must respect the other guests, including leaving the kitchen, toilet, and bathroom clean for the next guest...
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